Sapp Creations


Artist Statement

Clay is part of the very earth we live on and one of the oldest forms of art known to man.  Pottery, and other works of art made with clay, is one of the reasons we know as much as we do about the journey of man.

I have now been working with clay longer than any other activity I have done in my life.  Working with clay is one of my major passions, and to me, it’s as much a part of my life as eating and sleeping.

If you have not worked with clay yourself, you may have heard someone say that working with clay can be an extremely spiritual experience.  To me, that statement has a great deal of relevance and is something I have personally experienced.  The clay we use is as old as the earth itself; it was put here by our creator, or whatever your belief system tells you about how the earth got here.  When creating a work of art from clay, we are not only using ancient earth, we use other elements of the earth as well, such as air, fire and water.  The connection between the earth and elements are what make working with clay such a magical and spiritual experience.

As I work, I endeavor to create an awareness or the possibility of a connection with you, the viewer, at what I hope is an emotional level.  It is my sincere hope and prayer that my artwork will bring you to a new point of discovery, excitement, fascination, or possibly even a new awareness as you look upon my creations.

Willie Sapp